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Jimmy Downes

Jimmy is an advanced certified and an EAGALA trainer. 


He is the founder of Relatively Stable, LLC providing EAGALA model on his farm in Sandy Hook, CT. He has owned horses for the last 27 and has provided horse care and was a trail guide at Green Chimneys in Brewster, NY.  Last year he introduced the EAGALA model to the Military Wellness Program at Holliswood Pyschiatric Hospital as well as for the substance abuse clients at Arms Acres Treatment Facility.  

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Ellen Grant 

Ellen works with the Counseling Department to provide individual and group supervision, and assists in providing oversight and supervision of clinical services. She is skilled in treating adolescents and adults with substance abuse, mental health and trauma issues. Ellen has a Post Graduate Certification in Military Trauma. She provided EAGALA model services to individuals and families affected by the Sandy Hook School tragedy. 


Kelly Kirby

Kelly is a licensed clinical social worker. 


She provides mental health counseling and psychotherapy for a wide range of issues such as depression, loss, life transitions, anxiety, and relationship issues. She also works at New York Presbyterian Hospital's Center for Community Health & Education as the Mental Program Manager. 

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Micki McWade

Micki is an experienced Collaborative Divorce coach, psychotherapist, and parent educator.  

She has extensive background in divorce having founded and developed the Twelve Step Divorce Recovery Group model which has been operating since 1993. She is also a published author. Her books include; Getting Up, Getting Over, Getting On: A Twelve Step Guide to Divorce Recovery, Daily Meditations for Surviving a Breakup, Separation and Divorce, Healing You, Healing Me: A Divorce Support Group Leader’s Guide and Moving Towards Mastery in Collaborative Divorce.

Karen L. Arthur


Karen L. Arthur LCSW, BCD is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice for over 20 years.  She is an EMDR therapist and consultant, also trained in EFT (tapping), Ericksonian Hypnosis, Thought Field Therapy, Psychosynthesis, and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, as well as the main psychotherapeutic approaches. She has studied extensively in mind-body healing therapies including shiatsu, martial arts, yoga, meditation, and contemplative care of the dying. She teaches yoga in the Sivananda tradition and conducts workshops on EFT.

Ms. Arthur combines her passion for both horses and psychotherapy as an EAGALA certified mental health practitioner.  She strongly believes in the therapeutic presence of horses to help humans heal.

She has a general practice with specialties in trauma, anxiety, grief, stress and sports performance enhancement.

The EquiShui Ponies

All of our ponies are wonderful happy gals, and thrilled to be in the EquiShui program.
Come meet our ponies, Belle, Sunny, Little Bit, and Rain.


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